Lifting Slings
Hoisting, lifting, and rigging happen everyday in our workplace. Slings are vital in how we move and lift items. Without knowing how to properly inspect and use slings we can cause an abundance of damage. Slings need to be properly stored and inspected before use. We must ensure that the maximum workload of the sling used is correct for the job. With proper training we will be able to avoid excess damage and wear.
Next time you find yourself about to use a sling ensure to follow these Dos and Don’ts!
Slinging Do’s
• Position slings so that the lifting point is directly above the center of gravity.
- Allowing for the load to be balanced and stable.
• Repairs are made only by manufacturer or third party.
- Slings are complex and need specially trained individuals to repair them.
• Store in a cool, dry, place with no humidity.
- Moisture decreases the strength of a sling by 10-15%.
• Clean slings based on manufacturers recommendations.
- Manufacturers have specific cleaning procedures as this will ensure no damage is done in the process.
Slinging Don’ts
Don’t Store in places with direct sunlight.
- UV rays damage slings by breaking done the fiber structure, weakening the sling.
• Don’t Rinse with anything but what is recommended by manufacturer if they encounter acid or alkalis.
- Ensure to only rinse with what the manufacturer recommends.
• Don’t Tie Knots in slings ever.
- Tying knots in slings decreases the strength by up to 50%.
• Don’t use a sling that is rated less than the load weight.
- Ensure to always use a sling that is rated more than the load weight.
Here is a short fact sheet of recommendations to follow: