Service Advisor Remote
Service Advisor Remote allows Pattison Agriculture to remotely analyze Diagnostic Trouble Codes in real time to help proactively identify issues and resolve them more efficiently. A technician is then dispatched out with the correct parts and tools to get you back up and running, minimizing downtime.
Expert Alerts
Expert alerts proactively monitor your equipment's system and notifies Pattison Agriculture of potential machine issues and predictive breakdowns. This allows us to diagnose issues and fix them before they cause downtime.
Remote Display Access: Dealer Support in Near Real Time
With Remote Display Access this allows Pattison Agriculture technicians remotely connect to your display in your cab. Technicians can help you make adjustments to optimize your machine or troubleshoot potential issues. Distance is no longer a barrier!
Pattison Ag Connected Support Team:
Our Connected Support Team is trained with years of experience in diagnostics and repair, and is here to help you! They qualify every Expert Alert to verify accuracy and utilize Connected Support features of Service Advisor Remote, and Remote Display Access to perform diagnostics and prevent possible downtime. The Connected Services Support Advantage allows us to be proactive to achieve our goal of preventing you from downtime and keeping you in the field at the most critical times!
To Enable Connected Support, Your Machine Must Be Factory-Equipped or Field-Installed With the Following:
- JDLink™ Access + RDA or JDLink
- MTG/JDLink-Equipped Machine*
- *Model Year 2011-2013 Large Ag Machines can be upgraded with a 4G MTG field kit.
- *Model Year 2014 - Current Large Ag Machines are currently enabled with Connected Support Technology.