Repetitive Strain Injury
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is a serious condition that is painful and often debilitating. RSI is a more common farm injury than one may think, particularly among fruit and vegetable pickers, graders and packers. RSI is not a condition that is age-specific, however, it is most frequently found in adults of working age, with common symptoms being strains of the hands, wrists, arms, shoulders or neck.
RSI is not one diagnosis, but rather an umbrella term for disorders such as Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, tennis elbow, tendonitis, and trigger finger. RSI is caused by constantly repeated physical movements, awkward postures and sustained force, among other risk factors. These repetitive motions damage the soft body tissues (tendon, cartilage, nerves, ligaments, and muscles) that are involved in producing the motion.
Symptoms of RSI include:
• Tingling
• Coldness or numbness of the joints
• Clumsiness and loss of strength and coordination
• Pain that prevents you from getting to sleep or that wakes you up at night
• Tightness, stiffness, discomfort and soreness in the hands, forearms, elbows, shoulders, neck or back.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of RSI, go to your doctor or health care provider. Don’t wait! A combination of early diagnosis and a few changes can reduce the damage to your body, minimize pain, and maximize the enjoyment you get from life.
Practice good posture; Anything that creates an awkward reach, position, or angle of the body can create problems. When sitting, standing or performing other activities for a considerable time, relax, move around and shift positions frequently. Sit with your back straight. Bring tools within easy reach to help create fewer awkward positions for your body. Take frequent breaks that allow you to adjust, stretch and relax your muscles.
Stay warm and stretch; Keeping your body warm, including your hands is very important. Cold muscles are less flexible and much more susceptible to injury and strain from overuse.
Use caution when lifting; Position yourself close to the object. Keep your back straight and lift with your leg muscles—don’t bend over to lift. Do not twist your body while lifting.
Reduce your stress; Stress results in high blood pressure, restricted blood flow and muscle tensions, which all increase your risk of RSI. Minimize stress by exercising three times a week for 30 minutes, stop smoking, and reduce your caffeine intake.
Listen to your body; Pain is your body’s way of telling you it is in trouble. Listen! Pain, if ignored, can result in a reduction of your range of motion, restriction of activities and even surgery. Repetitive strain injuries are preventable.