In the dynamic world of agriculture, where efficiency and yield reign supreme, we are excited to present the Mandako Inline Landroller. This pioneering equipment has evolved from its original purpose as a rock roller into an essential tool for contemporary farming operations across the globe. Originally designed for rock management, it has grown into a multifunctional implement, enhancing various phases of the agricultural process.
Enhancing Agricultural Cycles
The Mandako Inline Landroller excels in not only flattening the field surface by pressing down rocks and debris but also in creating the perfect conditions for planting, spraying, harvesting, and managing fields after harvest. It plays a pivotal role in achieving a uniform seedbed, vital for today's high-precision planters and air seeders, ensuring consistent depth control and enhancing soil-to-seed contact for crops such as cereals and pulses.
Simplicity and Versatility in Design
Boasting a straightforward design coupled with a hydraulic hitch, the Mandako Inline Landroller seamlessly switches between working in the field and being transported. It offers operational ease with working widths of up to 20 feet and simplifies transportation with a road width of under 8 feet. Suitable for no-till, minimum-till, and conventional till practices, this landroller adapts to various soil types and supports a broad array of crops, including pulses, canola, grain, corn, and forages.
Discover the Advantages of the Mandako Inline Landroller
Our Mandako Inline Landroller is engineered with a host of features designed to enhance efficiency, safety, and durability on your farm.
Features may include: