Map subtle changes in elevation across the field in Survey Mode. Use this data to create ditches to enhance field drainage and maintain crop yield
Prevent crop loss due to drowning by creating ditches in the field using either a linear drain profile or a “best-fit” drain profile
Create field levees by following the calculated levee tracks based upon elevation survey data and using AutoTrac in subsequent passes to create parallel levees
Features may include:
Advanced ditching creates more precise ditches
Surface Water Pro™ Plus system for the GreenStar™ 2 2600 and GreenStar 3 2630 Displays take water management to the next level. When added to either a GreenStar 2 2600 or GreenStar 3 2630 Display, Surface Water Pro Plus will open the door for more advanced ditching functions enabling the creation of more precise ditches.
To attain this functionality, a Surface Water Pro Plus activation is required and a second StarFire™ 3000 or StarFire 6000 Receiver will need to be mounted on the implement which must be running at least SF2/SF3, but RTK is highly recommended. The receiver on the tractor may run SF2/SF3; however, RTK is recommended. To ensure the best vertical accuracy, users should run RTK on the implement receiver at a location within 2 km (1.2 miles) of the RTK base station.
Surface Water Pro Plus uses many components that many growers already own, including:
GreenStar 2 2600 Display
GreenStar 3 2630 Display
StarFire 3000 or StarFire 6000
AutoTrac™ assisted steering system
iGrade™ leveling system
NOTE: See this link for further StarFire 6000 compatibility information.
Four components
Surface Water Pro Plus has four features
Survey mode: records elevation for later use
Levee mode: records and runs levee tracks
Basic ditching mode: run and record ditch tracks
Advanced ditching mode: allows users to plan, create, and run ditch tracks